Saturday, March 07, 2009

Rav Daniel Feldman on Shaloch Manos

Rav Daniel Feldman's shiur on Shaloch Manos can be downloaded here.

Rav Feldman traces many of the disagreements in Shaloch Manos to a Teshuva of the Chasam Sofer who discusses the essence of Shaloch Manos. Is it like the Terumas HaDeshen who holds that the purpose of Shaloch Manos is to help people make the Seudah of Purim. Or is it like the Manos HaLevi (R'Shlomo Alacabes) who holds that the purpose of Shaloch Manos is to bring people closer to each other and strengthen the bonds of friendship.

Rav Feldman masterfully shows how many differences in opinions on Shaloch Manos can be traced to this machlokes as framed by the Chasam Sofer. Give yourself a pre-Purim treat yourself and download and listen to this wonderful shiur.

Thanks to Rabbi Zev Maybruch and the Vaad L'Chizuk HaTorah for sponsoring this shiur.