First Night of Sukkos - Halachic Rain AdvisoryFrom Rabbi Welcher
For people who are not eating alone.
If it rains tonight on the first night of Succos:
- Wait 20 minutes from when you're ready to go into the Sukkah.
- If it doesn't stop raining, make kiddush, wash and eat a kezayis in the Sukkah without a L'eshev B'Sukkah and eat your meal in your house.
- If it stops raining at some point, go out and eat a kezayis with a L'eshev B'Sukkah and the meal can be finished inside the house.
- You can bentsch inside your house if you ate your meal inside your house.
- It is stops raining after you've bentsched, you should eat a kezayis with a L'eshev B'Sukkah at some point in the night.
Also note that on Shabbos you should start Shalosh Seudos by 3:40 PM.