Congregation Ahavas Yisroel of Kew Gardens Hills
Focused on Torah, Tefillah, Gemilus Chasadim and Eretz Yisroel
Rabbi Herschel Welcher - Marah D’Asrah
Thursday, March 31, 2005
There Will Be A Special Adar Sheini Kiddush This Shabbos
There will be a special Adar Sheini kiddush this Shabbos.
Halachic Living Will Form
This link will take you to various forms including a living will prepared by the Agudath Yisrael. Jewish Law - Halachic Forms
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Bais Yaakov of Queens Presents - Rachel Factor - Wednesday 3/30 at 8PM at YCQ
On Wednesday March 30, 2004 at 8:00 PM at the Yeshiva of Central Queens, 147-37 70th Road, Rachel Factor will present her one women show "JAP".
Mrs. Factor is a Japanese-American from Hawaii who found fulfillment in Judaism. The cost for the show is $25 annd $36 and the performance is recommended for Women over 18.
Mrs. Factor is a Japanese-American from Hawaii who found fulfillment in Judaism. The cost for the show is $25 annd $36 and the performance is recommended for Women over 18.
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Is it a Mitzvah to Live in Eretz Yisroel - A Look at Four Opinions
Rabbi Welcher's shiurim will continue next Tuesday with one of his most popular topics, "Cleaning for Pesach".
If you missed Rabbi Welcher's shiur on "Is it a Mitzvah to Live in Eretz Yisroel?", I highly recommend you give it a listen. The Rav discussed the four major opinions on this question.
Download the shiur here.
If you missed Rabbi Welcher's shiur on "Is it a Mitzvah to Live in Eretz Yisroel?", I highly recommend you give it a listen. The Rav discussed the four major opinions on this question.
Download the shiur here.
Download R' Yechezkel Rosenberg's Recent Shiur on Zimun
If you haven't yet made the time to join our Sunday morning chabura, led by R' Yechezkel Rosenberg on the Seventh Perek of Berachos, you might want to give it a try. It is one of the best programs we have ever run and you are sure to be challenged.
R' Yechezkel usually gives a brief summary with the sources at beginning of the session and a short shiur covering what we learned at the end. Here are the mp3 audio files for the beginning and ending shiurim from last week (3/27/2005) on the subject of what happens if one or two people what to leave and make a zimun.
R' Yechezkel usually gives a brief summary with the sources at beginning of the session and a short shiur covering what we learned at the end. Here are the mp3 audio files for the beginning and ending shiurim from last week (3/27/2005) on the subject of what happens if one or two people what to leave and make a zimun.
Monday, March 28, 2005
Rabbi Welcher's Cleaning for Pesach Shiur - Tuesday April 5th at 8:00.
Rabbi Welcher's Cleaning for Pesach shiur will be given on Tuesday April 5th at 8:00.
There will be no shiur on Tuesday, March 29th.
There will be no shiur on Tuesday, March 29th.
Please Pick Up Your Shaloch Manos in Shul Lobby
Member who haven't picked up their Shaloch Manos from the Women's League, can pickup them up in the Shul Lobby during davening hours.
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Matzoh Orders
Matzoh Orders are due on Tuesday, March 29th at 2 PM. Please try to get them in as soon as possible.
Here's the Matzoh Order form in Word format.
Here's the Matzoh Order form in Jpg/Graphic format.
Here's the Matzoh Order form in Word format.
Here's the Matzoh Order form in Jpg/Graphic format.
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Friday, March 25, 2005
Don't Know the Difference Between Save as Draft and Publish Post
According to one opinion, on Purim one has to drink until he doesn't know the difference between Save as Draft and Publish Post. A Freilichen Purim to all!
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Guidelines For Your Erev Shabbos Purim Seudah
1) "L'chaT'chilah" the Purim Seudah should start as early in the day as possible after hearing the Megillah reading.
2) As long as you start your Purim Seudah before Chatzos HaYom (12:02 PM), you do NOT have to take a break to Daven Minchah; you can daven Minchah with the Minyan in Shul at 6:00 PM.
3) If you start your meal AFTER Chatzos (12:02 PM) but BEFORE 12:35 PM, then you need to take a break to daven Minchah at 12:35 PM. You are allowed to leave your Seudah to go to daven Minchah and then return. When you return, you should wash your hands, but without a Brachah, and eat some bread.
4) If you will only start your Seudah AFTER 12:35 PM, it is best to daven Minchah with us first at the 12:35 minyan.
5) If you are starting your meal later in the day, it is best not to overeat so that you may have some appetite left for the S'udas
6) "B'Dieved" you can wash up until the end of the day (Candle Lighting, 5:54 PM).
7) Remember that Shacharis on Shabbos morning begins at 8:20 AM.
1) "L'chaT'chilah" the Purim Seudah should start as early in the day as possible after hearing the Megillah reading.
2) As long as you start your Purim Seudah before Chatzos HaYom (12:02 PM), you do NOT have to take a break to Daven Minchah; you can daven Minchah with the Minyan in Shul at 6:00 PM.
3) If you start your meal AFTER Chatzos (12:02 PM) but BEFORE 12:35 PM, then you need to take a break to daven Minchah at 12:35 PM. You are allowed to leave your Seudah to go to daven Minchah and then return. When you return, you should wash your hands, but without a Brachah, and eat some bread.
4) If you will only start your Seudah AFTER 12:35 PM, it is best to daven Minchah with us first at the 12:35 minyan.
5) If you are starting your meal later in the day, it is best not to overeat so that you may have some appetite left for the S'udas
6) "B'Dieved" you can wash up until the end of the day (Candle Lighting, 5:54 PM).
7) Remember that Shacharis on Shabbos morning begins at 8:20 AM.
Rebbetzin Heller on the Villainy of Vashti
Rebbetzin Heller on the Villainy of Vashti.
Read the rest here.
Vashti, whose refusal to obey the king sets the action in motion, is an interesting character in this drama. In fact, in the first analysis she seems like a heroine -- a woman who had too much dignity to be paraded naked before a drunken horde. There is only one problem. Heroism is not determined from the outside in, but rather from the inside out. From that perspective, Vashti, as we shall see, was a villain.
Judaism defines heroism as an act of overcoming an obstacle that stands in the way of a spiritual objective. Such obstacles are placed before all of us by God, but the level of sacrifice demanded to overcome each such obstacle can vary widely. In the case of one person, genuine heroism may go as far as sacrificing one's life for the sake of another. For another person, genuine heroism may mean sacrificing ego or pride.
Therefore, our question when assessing Vashti's heroism or villainy is: what was she reaching towards and what stood in the way of her achieving that goal?
Read the rest here.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Chinese Auction Benefitting Chofetz Chaim's Kollel - Sunday Evening April 3rd at Queens College
Golden Treasures, the Chinese Auction to benefit Chofetz Chaim’s Kollel Ner Dovid will be held on Sunday evening, April 3rd, beginning at 7:00 PM (drawing begins at 10:00 PM), at the Palace Ballroom at Queens College (Student Union Building).
Call 718-268-4700 if you want a prize booklet or to place an order. You can also fax to 718-268-4684. Orders submitted by Purim (Friday afternoon) are entitled to an extra $25 bonus in tickets.
Many shul members learn with Kollel members as part of the Kollel’s free Community Learning Program. Ner Dovid is the oldest Kollel in New York City and one of the largest in America. KGH has benefitted by having the Yeshiva and Kollel in our community, and it deserves our support.
Call 718-268-4700 if you want a prize booklet or to place an order. You can also fax to 718-268-4684. Orders submitted by Purim (Friday afternoon) are entitled to an extra $25 bonus in tickets.
Many shul members learn with Kollel members as part of the Kollel’s free Community Learning Program. Ner Dovid is the oldest Kollel in New York City and one of the largest in America. KGH has benefitted by having the Yeshiva and Kollel in our community, and it deserves our support.
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Rabbi Welcher's Insights into Megillas Esther Available for Download
Rabbi Welcher's shiur from tonight, "Insights into Megillas Esther" is available for download here.
*Right-click and "Save Target As..." to save it to you computer. Or just click it to play it in Windows Media Player (or whatever Audio Software you're using).
*Right-click and "Save Target As..." to save it to you computer. Or just click it to play it in Windows Media Player (or whatever Audio Software you're using).
Maaser Kesafim Shiurim Available for Download
Rabbi Welcher's shiurim regarding Maaser Kesafim are available for download:
Maaser Kesafim Part 1.
Maaser Kesafim Part 2.
Maaser Kesafim Part 3.
*Right-click and "Save Target As..." to save it to you computer. Or click to play it in Windows Media Player (or whatever Audio Software you are using).
Maaser Kesafim Part 1.
Maaser Kesafim Part 2.
Maaser Kesafim Part 3.
*Right-click and "Save Target As..." to save it to you computer. Or click to play it in Windows Media Player (or whatever Audio Software you are using).
Monday, March 21, 2005
Download Rabbi Welcher's Shiur on the Halachos of Seudos Purim
If you want to download Rabbi Welcher's shiur on the Halachos of Seudos Purim, you can download it here.
*Right-click and "Save Target As..." to save it to you computer.
*Right-click and "Save Target As..." to save it to you computer.
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Rabbi Welcher Will be Giving a Shiur on Insights into Megillas Esther on 3/22 at 8:30 PM
Rabbi Welcher will be giving a shiur on insights into Megillas Esther on 3/22 at 8:30 PM in the shul.
Purim 2005 Schedule
Purim 2005 Schedule
Thursday, March 24, 2005
4:39 AM Taanis Begins
5:15 AM Daf Yomi
6:05 AM Shacharis
5:35 PM Minchah
6:54 PM Fast Ends
7:00 PM Maariv / Megillah Reading
7:45 PM Purim Chagigah / Pick up Mishloach Manos packages
9:00 PM Second Megillah Reading
Friday, March 25, 2005
5:10 AM Daf Yomi
6:00 AM First Shacharis
6:30 AM First Megillah Reading
7:30 AM Second Shacharis
8:00 AM Second Megillah Reading
10:00 AM Visit the Rav and Rebbetzin for Candy, Kids' Toys, and a L'Chaim
12:02 PM Chatzos (Best to begin meal before this time)
12:35 PM First Minchah
5:54 PM Candle Lighting
6:00 PM Second Minchah / Kabbalas Shabbos / Maariv
Shabbos, March 26, 2005
7:15 AM Daf Yomi
8:20 AM Shacharis
8:55 AM Sof Z'man K'rias Sh'ma
Thursday, March 24, 2005
4:39 AM Taanis Begins
5:15 AM Daf Yomi
6:05 AM Shacharis
5:35 PM Minchah
6:54 PM Fast Ends
7:00 PM Maariv / Megillah Reading
7:45 PM Purim Chagigah / Pick up Mishloach Manos packages
9:00 PM Second Megillah Reading
Friday, March 25, 2005
5:10 AM Daf Yomi
6:00 AM First Shacharis
6:30 AM First Megillah Reading
7:30 AM Second Shacharis
8:00 AM Second Megillah Reading
10:00 AM Visit the Rav and Rebbetzin for Candy, Kids' Toys, and a L'Chaim
12:02 PM Chatzos (Best to begin meal before this time)
12:35 PM First Minchah
5:54 PM Candle Lighting
6:00 PM Second Minchah / Kabbalas Shabbos / Maariv
Shabbos, March 26, 2005
7:15 AM Daf Yomi
8:20 AM Shacharis
8:55 AM Sof Z'man K'rias Sh'ma
Friday, March 18, 2005
Looking for Kiddush Co-Sponsors for Shemini/Parah on April 2nd
If you are interested in co-sponsoring a kiddush on April 2, Parsha Shemini/Parah, please contact Aron Kerekes at 718-793-1669.
New Daf Yomi Kollel
There is a new Daf Yomi Kollel at They send out weekly insights similiar to Al HaDaf.
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Go to Chaim Eli and Tammy's Wedding And Receive Double AAdvantage Miles
If you are going to Chaim Eli and Tammy's wedding on May 9th you can receive Double AAdvantage® miles.
Here is the important info:
Hat tip to Yechezkel Rosenberg.
Here is the important info:
Double AAdvantage® miles. Another great reason to fly American between New York JFK and Los Angeles! Fly between May 1 and May 25, 2005 and, you can earn a one-time bonus of double miles for round-trip travel between these two great cities. Just buy your ticket now!
Here's all you need to do to receive your double miles:
Purchase your ticket between now and March 21, 2005
Travel between May 1 and May 25, 2005
Register before your trip using Promotion Code JFKLA
Hat tip to Yechezkel Rosenberg.
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
CCHF Video Presentation - Rabbi Rietti on Anger - 3/20 at 8:00 PM
Join Us For a
Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation Presentation
“Finding Your Peaceful Heart:
Silence the Sound and Fury of Life”
A Video Presentation on Anger
Rabbi Jonathan Rietti
Sunday March 20, 2005 – 8:00 PM
Suggested Donation $10, Students $8
Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation Presentation
“Finding Your Peaceful Heart:
Silence the Sound and Fury of Life”
A Video Presentation on Anger
Rabbi Jonathan Rietti
Sunday March 20, 2005 – 8:00 PM
Suggested Donation $10, Students $8
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Yated Siyum Article - Part 3 - Supporting and Imparting Jewish Values
Here is third and final part of the Yated Siyum Article - PROUD TO BE A YID — IMPRESSIONS OF THE ELEVENTH SIYUM HASHAS
As Rav Matisyohu Solomon later affirmed, in his emotional address, “After the war, my father was instrumental in bringing young refugees to England. I recall a 16 year old bochur who was treated to a platter of cookies, which, in those days, was a real treat. My father said the boy had been farhered by the Rosh Yeshiva on 200 blatt gemara, b’aal peh. When did he learn the gemara? With his father, in the concentration camp! His father, who had been a Daf Yomi Magid Shiur in Lodz, learned with him in the squalor of the camps, as long as they were still together.
“I pictured the father huddled with his son, trying not to be caught, a young child, learning daf after daf, until he knew 200 blatt ba’l peh, and suddenly the father grew in my eyes. Tonight, I was thinking, after 200 blatt, they must have finished at least one, perhaps two or three masechtos. And I imagined, ‘What did the siyum look like?’ In the squalor of the camp, after a day of torture, perhaps they shared half a piece of dry bread, as they said, ‘hadran aloch, daytan aloch.’ This is our life! This is what we concentrated on during our darkest hour.”
In a ringing voice, Rav Solomon concluded, “I believe that this gathering is already the beginning of the nekamah, for nations must be amazed and inspired. May this be the beginning of the renewal of Klal Yisroel, and kevod malchus Shomayim.”
The singing and dancing continued, showing no signs of abating. On the contrary, it seemed to gather strength, as fathers carried young boys on their shoulders, Bnei Torah swayed with eyes shut, as if holding the Torah dear to their heart. It was Simchas Torah magnified a thousandfold. It was like watching all the Botei Midroshim and shteeblach of Klal Yisroel gather to celebrate a massive hakafa, the hakafa of the Daf Yomi. Even several of the security guards, moved beyond words, danced along. Most of them had never seen such a powerful scene in their lives.
And then, the voice of Rav Pinchos Friedman, Rosh Kolelei Belz, appeared on the screen, as he uttered the timeless Hadran. “Yehi Rotzon M’lfonechoh… Shetehei Torascho U’mnoseinu B’olam Hazeh… Ut’hay Emonu L’olam Haboh.” May it be Your will, that the Torah should be our trade in this world, and may it remain with us in the World to Come. Ribono Shel Olam, make the words of the Torah sweet in our mouths, in the mouths of Your nation….Boruch Atoh Hashem, Lamdeinu Chukecha.”
The words of the Hadran gave voice to our deepest emotions as Rav Pinchos continued, “Praised are You, Our Creator, who has given us a chelek with the Yoshvei Bais Medrash, and not with those who sit aimlessly in the corners. We awaken and they awaken, yet there is a difference. We awaken to learn the timeless word of the Torah, and they awaken for d’vorim b’tailim, empty pursuits. We toil and they toil; we run and they run. We run to Chayei Olam Haboh, while they run to be’er shachas…”
The powerful hadran, and the hascholas haShas that followed, were the raison de’tre of the evening. Yet they were not the only highlights. One after another, powerful, riveting speakers, Rabbonim, Roshei Yeshiva and representatives of Torah kehillos across the world addressed the crowd; electrifying, invigorating, inspiring.
It was a memory that shall remain forever etched in the hearts and minds of those who attended. As Rav Yissochor Frand stressed, in his powerful drasha, transmitted live from Chicago, “We must all leave here tonight committed to accomplishing more. Some people will be moved to undertake Daf Yomi and finish Shas, while others will encounter their first daf in gemara.”
And still others, notably the women who attended, will be committed to supporting their husbands and children, giving up the precious evening time, so that their menfolk can shteig in Torah. For these n’shei Chayil, this momentous ma’amad was also a tremendous source of chizuk. As a friend expressed, during the bus ride to the Siyum Hashas, “It was really hard for me to juggle everything and come, but I had to. You see, I attended the last Siyum Hashas, and I’m still inspired. There’s no way I would miss this one..”
Making a Kiddush Hashem The five-hour event flew by quickly. Remarkably, despite the logistics of containing such a huge crowd, everything went more smoothly than anticipated. The scores of police officers stationed at the doors to Madison Square Garden, (the same applies to Continental Arena, ) were professional and highly competent at guiding the crowd. As a member of the (frum) press, I was given a special press necklace, enabling me to report from a special press section on the sixth floor. When I arrived, one of the news networks was doing an interview with a heimishe woman, picked out at random, who was endeavoring to express what the Siyum Hashas was all about.
“This is about the Jewish people coming together to celebrate the completion of the Talmud,” she explained. “Every seven-and-a-half years, the cycle is complete, and then we start all over again.”
“Do women also learn the Talmud?” came the next, inevitable question. “No, of course not,” the well-spoken woman replied. “Don’t you feel bad that you can’t really be a part of it?” asked the interviewer. “Not at all. Because in essence, we really are a part of it. We are the support system, the ones who stay behind the scenes, guiding and encouraging. Also, we have our own mitzvot—” “Can you translate? Most people don’t know what that word means.” “—Our own commandments to fulfill, like lighting candles, and teaching the next generation. So we really play an important part in this celebration.” “And without the Jewish mothers who raise their children to value this lifestyle, we wouldn’t be having such a gathering today.” Kudos to her. I couldn’t have said it better.
As Rav Matisyohu Solomon later affirmed, in his emotional address, “After the war, my father was instrumental in bringing young refugees to England. I recall a 16 year old bochur who was treated to a platter of cookies, which, in those days, was a real treat. My father said the boy had been farhered by the Rosh Yeshiva on 200 blatt gemara, b’aal peh. When did he learn the gemara? With his father, in the concentration camp! His father, who had been a Daf Yomi Magid Shiur in Lodz, learned with him in the squalor of the camps, as long as they were still together.
“I pictured the father huddled with his son, trying not to be caught, a young child, learning daf after daf, until he knew 200 blatt ba’l peh, and suddenly the father grew in my eyes. Tonight, I was thinking, after 200 blatt, they must have finished at least one, perhaps two or three masechtos. And I imagined, ‘What did the siyum look like?’ In the squalor of the camp, after a day of torture, perhaps they shared half a piece of dry bread, as they said, ‘hadran aloch, daytan aloch.’ This is our life! This is what we concentrated on during our darkest hour.”
In a ringing voice, Rav Solomon concluded, “I believe that this gathering is already the beginning of the nekamah, for nations must be amazed and inspired. May this be the beginning of the renewal of Klal Yisroel, and kevod malchus Shomayim.”
The singing and dancing continued, showing no signs of abating. On the contrary, it seemed to gather strength, as fathers carried young boys on their shoulders, Bnei Torah swayed with eyes shut, as if holding the Torah dear to their heart. It was Simchas Torah magnified a thousandfold. It was like watching all the Botei Midroshim and shteeblach of Klal Yisroel gather to celebrate a massive hakafa, the hakafa of the Daf Yomi. Even several of the security guards, moved beyond words, danced along. Most of them had never seen such a powerful scene in their lives.
And then, the voice of Rav Pinchos Friedman, Rosh Kolelei Belz, appeared on the screen, as he uttered the timeless Hadran. “Yehi Rotzon M’lfonechoh… Shetehei Torascho U’mnoseinu B’olam Hazeh… Ut’hay Emonu L’olam Haboh.” May it be Your will, that the Torah should be our trade in this world, and may it remain with us in the World to Come. Ribono Shel Olam, make the words of the Torah sweet in our mouths, in the mouths of Your nation….Boruch Atoh Hashem, Lamdeinu Chukecha.”
The words of the Hadran gave voice to our deepest emotions as Rav Pinchos continued, “Praised are You, Our Creator, who has given us a chelek with the Yoshvei Bais Medrash, and not with those who sit aimlessly in the corners. We awaken and they awaken, yet there is a difference. We awaken to learn the timeless word of the Torah, and they awaken for d’vorim b’tailim, empty pursuits. We toil and they toil; we run and they run. We run to Chayei Olam Haboh, while they run to be’er shachas…”
The powerful hadran, and the hascholas haShas that followed, were the raison de’tre of the evening. Yet they were not the only highlights. One after another, powerful, riveting speakers, Rabbonim, Roshei Yeshiva and representatives of Torah kehillos across the world addressed the crowd; electrifying, invigorating, inspiring.
It was a memory that shall remain forever etched in the hearts and minds of those who attended. As Rav Yissochor Frand stressed, in his powerful drasha, transmitted live from Chicago, “We must all leave here tonight committed to accomplishing more. Some people will be moved to undertake Daf Yomi and finish Shas, while others will encounter their first daf in gemara.”
And still others, notably the women who attended, will be committed to supporting their husbands and children, giving up the precious evening time, so that their menfolk can shteig in Torah. For these n’shei Chayil, this momentous ma’amad was also a tremendous source of chizuk. As a friend expressed, during the bus ride to the Siyum Hashas, “It was really hard for me to juggle everything and come, but I had to. You see, I attended the last Siyum Hashas, and I’m still inspired. There’s no way I would miss this one..”
Making a Kiddush Hashem The five-hour event flew by quickly. Remarkably, despite the logistics of containing such a huge crowd, everything went more smoothly than anticipated. The scores of police officers stationed at the doors to Madison Square Garden, (the same applies to Continental Arena, ) were professional and highly competent at guiding the crowd. As a member of the (frum) press, I was given a special press necklace, enabling me to report from a special press section on the sixth floor. When I arrived, one of the news networks was doing an interview with a heimishe woman, picked out at random, who was endeavoring to express what the Siyum Hashas was all about.
“This is about the Jewish people coming together to celebrate the completion of the Talmud,” she explained. “Every seven-and-a-half years, the cycle is complete, and then we start all over again.”
“Do women also learn the Talmud?” came the next, inevitable question. “No, of course not,” the well-spoken woman replied. “Don’t you feel bad that you can’t really be a part of it?” asked the interviewer. “Not at all. Because in essence, we really are a part of it. We are the support system, the ones who stay behind the scenes, guiding and encouraging. Also, we have our own mitzvot—” “Can you translate? Most people don’t know what that word means.” “—Our own commandments to fulfill, like lighting candles, and teaching the next generation. So we really play an important part in this celebration.” “And without the Jewish mothers who raise their children to value this lifestyle, we wouldn’t be having such a gathering today.” Kudos to her. I couldn’t have said it better.
Monday, March 14, 2005
Yated Siyum Article - Part 2 - From "to destroy, kill, and wipe out" to "to thank, laud, and praise"
Here is part 2 of the Yated Siyum Article - PROUD TO BE A YID — IMPRESSIONS OF THE ELEVENTH SIYUM HASHAS:
Rav Chaim then uttered the timeless words, that signaled the end of the eleventh machzor of the Daf Yomi. “Hadran Oloch, Tinokes.” We shall return to you, Tinokes. “V’silka Loh Maseches Niddah.” And Maseches Niddah is concluded.
Rav Noach Eizik Oelbaum recited an emotional kaddish, and the collective Omein echoed for several long moments. Suddenly, the respectful silence that had hovered over the tenfloor stadium at Madison Square Garden, and the vast Continental Airlines Arena, dissipated. Reb Abish Brodt, the beloved menagen, took the mike and began to sing “Siman Tov U’mazel Tov.”
The silent, staid crowd was electrified. In an instant, the mood changed from poignancy and longing to intense d’veikus and joy. One by one, entire rows stood up and began to sing along, swaying in their places, their voices rising in collective euphoria.
Groups of bochurim and yungeleit sitting in the center rows stood up, linking arms, and began to dance. In a chain reaction, row after row, from the fourth floor seats all the way up to the eighth, fathers and sons stood up in unison, dancing in their places, singing with all their might. As far as the eye could see, a sea of black, twenty thousand strong, were clasping hands, clasping souls, united in the harmony and power of the moment. It was an unforgettable scene.
And I thought, “Now I understand. Now I know why thousands upon thousands of men, women, and children had left their usual commitments, flocking to Manhattan or New Jersey at 5:00 p.m., to take part in such a massive gathering. Now I know why I, a regular Yiddishe Mommy, who had never learned a blatt gemara in my life, felt compelled to attend this powerful maamad. What was I celebrating? Was I paying homage to the Torah of my husband, my children, my brothers, my relatives? Or was it something deeper? A massive outpouring of unity, an outpouring of love for the holy Torah, which has kept us going through the millennia?”
Ashreinu, Mah Tov Chelkeinu. I felt so proud to be part of this. It felt so good, so utterly exhilarating, to be a Yid. Ribono Shel Olam, I whispered, “Look down at Your people and see this massive Kiddush Hashem. Instead of gathering to play hockey or watch a baseball game, 120,000 Yidden across the world are gathering to proclaim, ‘Hadran Aloch, V’hadrach Alon.’We shall return to you, Dear Torah, as we have returned to you through the ages.”
Rav Ephraim Wachsman, who delivered the first address, gave voice to these emotions when he compared the powerful “Shema Yisroel” uttered in unison at the Siyum Hashas to the Shema Yisroel uttered by the Six Million Kedoshim, who were gassed and burned al Kiddush Hashem.
“Then, the gezeirah was l’hashmid uleharog u’leabed, to destroy, kill, and wipe out, while today it is ‘l’hodos, lehalel, u’lshabeach; to thank, laud, and praise. What remains constant is the cry of Shema Yisroel. From where does Klal Yisroel derive this strength? From the Torah, our lifeblood. This is what has preserved Am Yisroel through the ages.”
Next Time: Learning 200 blatt ba’l peh in the camps
Rav Chaim then uttered the timeless words, that signaled the end of the eleventh machzor of the Daf Yomi. “Hadran Oloch, Tinokes.” We shall return to you, Tinokes. “V’silka Loh Maseches Niddah.” And Maseches Niddah is concluded.
Rav Noach Eizik Oelbaum recited an emotional kaddish, and the collective Omein echoed for several long moments. Suddenly, the respectful silence that had hovered over the tenfloor stadium at Madison Square Garden, and the vast Continental Airlines Arena, dissipated. Reb Abish Brodt, the beloved menagen, took the mike and began to sing “Siman Tov U’mazel Tov.”
The silent, staid crowd was electrified. In an instant, the mood changed from poignancy and longing to intense d’veikus and joy. One by one, entire rows stood up and began to sing along, swaying in their places, their voices rising in collective euphoria.
Groups of bochurim and yungeleit sitting in the center rows stood up, linking arms, and began to dance. In a chain reaction, row after row, from the fourth floor seats all the way up to the eighth, fathers and sons stood up in unison, dancing in their places, singing with all their might. As far as the eye could see, a sea of black, twenty thousand strong, were clasping hands, clasping souls, united in the harmony and power of the moment. It was an unforgettable scene.
And I thought, “Now I understand. Now I know why thousands upon thousands of men, women, and children had left their usual commitments, flocking to Manhattan or New Jersey at 5:00 p.m., to take part in such a massive gathering. Now I know why I, a regular Yiddishe Mommy, who had never learned a blatt gemara in my life, felt compelled to attend this powerful maamad. What was I celebrating? Was I paying homage to the Torah of my husband, my children, my brothers, my relatives? Or was it something deeper? A massive outpouring of unity, an outpouring of love for the holy Torah, which has kept us going through the millennia?”
Ashreinu, Mah Tov Chelkeinu. I felt so proud to be part of this. It felt so good, so utterly exhilarating, to be a Yid. Ribono Shel Olam, I whispered, “Look down at Your people and see this massive Kiddush Hashem. Instead of gathering to play hockey or watch a baseball game, 120,000 Yidden across the world are gathering to proclaim, ‘Hadran Aloch, V’hadrach Alon.’We shall return to you, Dear Torah, as we have returned to you through the ages.”
Rav Ephraim Wachsman, who delivered the first address, gave voice to these emotions when he compared the powerful “Shema Yisroel” uttered in unison at the Siyum Hashas to the Shema Yisroel uttered by the Six Million Kedoshim, who were gassed and burned al Kiddush Hashem.
“Then, the gezeirah was l’hashmid uleharog u’leabed, to destroy, kill, and wipe out, while today it is ‘l’hodos, lehalel, u’lshabeach; to thank, laud, and praise. What remains constant is the cry of Shema Yisroel. From where does Klal Yisroel derive this strength? From the Torah, our lifeblood. This is what has preserved Am Yisroel through the ages.”
Next Time: Learning 200 blatt ba’l peh in the camps
Sunday, March 13, 2005
The below mentioned Internet Parsha Sheet recently featured an article from the Yated about the Siyum HaShas. Although I was a bit thrown off by the author's description of the upper sectiion (nosebleed) seats in the Garden as the "ninth floor", the article accurately captured the true magnificence of the event. I will except the article over the next few days. Here is part 1:
From: Yated USA []
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 Subject: YATED USA WEEKLY 03-11-05
BY C.B. WEINFELD 13 March 11, 2005
I stood on the ninth floor, behind the mechitza, frozen in place, watching the scene unfold before my eyes. To my right, a young girl murmured. “This is not normal. This is not normal. I can’t believe this. Pinch me. Is this for real?” I wanted to shush her, to tell her that she was disturbing the poignancy of the moment, but thought better of it. Perhaps she was giving voice to the thought that hovered in our minds as we stood, hearts tingling with a powerful joy, watching the floors below us vibrate and shake with intensity as twenty thousand pairs of feet danced.
What had prompted this dancing, this united expression of soaring joy, a simcha and d’veikus so powerful, it cannot be put in words? As the expression goes, “For those who were there, words are not necessary, for those who weren’t, words will not suffice.”
Rav Chaim Stein, one of the embers plucked from the fire, a talmid from amohl, who had begun learning the Daf Yomi nine cycles ago, when the citadels of Torah learning were in Lita, Hungary, and Poland, had just finished reciting the hadran. In a voice choked with tears and emotion, Rav Chaim spoke in Mama Loshon, as he completed the last sugya in Maseches Niddah. “Kol Hashoneh Halachos B’chol Yom,” one who learns halachos every single day, “Muvtach Lo Shehu ben Olam Haboh.” Is guaranteed to be a ben olam haboh. Why bechol yom? Said the Rosh Yeshiva, “These words have a direct connection to Daf Yomi, to learning every single day, even when it is difficult sometimes…even with great mesiras nefesh. And that applies to all of us, Yeder Eintziger, to every single Yid.”
The Rosh Yeshiva of Telz vividly recalled the second Siyum Hashas in 1938, the completion of the second machzor of Daf Yomi, during which Rav Elchonon Wasserman, who was later murdered by the Nazis in the Ninth Fort, emotionally addressed a crowd of 20,000 Yidden gathered in Lublin. At the same time, a new wing of Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin was dedicated. Rav Menachem Ziemba, the kodosh of Warsaw, delivered a powerful drasha, and the Rebbes of Boyan, Tchebin, Sadigur and Sochatchov attended.
“We already felt the faint stirrings of the puraniyus, the evil that was looming above our heads,” said Rav Chaim, “Chazal say the yisurim of Ikvesa D’mshicha will be so great, they davened that they should not have to experience it. So, too, we hope and daven that the suffering of Ikvesa D’mshicha, the chevlei Moshiach, have already passed.”
There was nary a dry eye in the crowd as Rav Chaim continued, his voice choked with emotion, “By the Asara Harugei Malchus, when they burned (Rav Chanina Ben Teradyon with a Sefer Torah wrapped around him,) the parchment burned, while the Osiyos flew up to Shomayim. During the Churban Europe, when they destroyed all the yeshivos, only the physical buildings were destroyed—the spiritual koach remains with us until today.”
“The essence of Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin lives on, with the koach of the Daf Yomi, and this has contributed to the tremendous revival of Torah among Klal Yisroel today. While the Kedoshim went to their deaths, Shema Yisroel on their lips, their mesiras nefesh remains with us. We, the survivors, have an achrayus to rebuild, to be mechanech, to impart Torah to the next generation.”
Next: The Dancing
From: Yated USA []
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 Subject: YATED USA WEEKLY 03-11-05
BY C.B. WEINFELD 13 March 11, 2005
I stood on the ninth floor, behind the mechitza, frozen in place, watching the scene unfold before my eyes. To my right, a young girl murmured. “This is not normal. This is not normal. I can’t believe this. Pinch me. Is this for real?” I wanted to shush her, to tell her that she was disturbing the poignancy of the moment, but thought better of it. Perhaps she was giving voice to the thought that hovered in our minds as we stood, hearts tingling with a powerful joy, watching the floors below us vibrate and shake with intensity as twenty thousand pairs of feet danced.
What had prompted this dancing, this united expression of soaring joy, a simcha and d’veikus so powerful, it cannot be put in words? As the expression goes, “For those who were there, words are not necessary, for those who weren’t, words will not suffice.”
Rav Chaim Stein, one of the embers plucked from the fire, a talmid from amohl, who had begun learning the Daf Yomi nine cycles ago, when the citadels of Torah learning were in Lita, Hungary, and Poland, had just finished reciting the hadran. In a voice choked with tears and emotion, Rav Chaim spoke in Mama Loshon, as he completed the last sugya in Maseches Niddah. “Kol Hashoneh Halachos B’chol Yom,” one who learns halachos every single day, “Muvtach Lo Shehu ben Olam Haboh.” Is guaranteed to be a ben olam haboh. Why bechol yom? Said the Rosh Yeshiva, “These words have a direct connection to Daf Yomi, to learning every single day, even when it is difficult sometimes…even with great mesiras nefesh. And that applies to all of us, Yeder Eintziger, to every single Yid.”
The Rosh Yeshiva of Telz vividly recalled the second Siyum Hashas in 1938, the completion of the second machzor of Daf Yomi, during which Rav Elchonon Wasserman, who was later murdered by the Nazis in the Ninth Fort, emotionally addressed a crowd of 20,000 Yidden gathered in Lublin. At the same time, a new wing of Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin was dedicated. Rav Menachem Ziemba, the kodosh of Warsaw, delivered a powerful drasha, and the Rebbes of Boyan, Tchebin, Sadigur and Sochatchov attended.
“We already felt the faint stirrings of the puraniyus, the evil that was looming above our heads,” said Rav Chaim, “Chazal say the yisurim of Ikvesa D’mshicha will be so great, they davened that they should not have to experience it. So, too, we hope and daven that the suffering of Ikvesa D’mshicha, the chevlei Moshiach, have already passed.”
There was nary a dry eye in the crowd as Rav Chaim continued, his voice choked with emotion, “By the Asara Harugei Malchus, when they burned (Rav Chanina Ben Teradyon with a Sefer Torah wrapped around him,) the parchment burned, while the Osiyos flew up to Shomayim. During the Churban Europe, when they destroyed all the yeshivos, only the physical buildings were destroyed—the spiritual koach remains with us until today.”
“The essence of Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin lives on, with the koach of the Daf Yomi, and this has contributed to the tremendous revival of Torah among Klal Yisroel today. While the Kedoshim went to their deaths, Shema Yisroel on their lips, their mesiras nefesh remains with us. We, the survivors, have an achrayus to rebuild, to be mechanech, to impart Torah to the next generation.”
Next: The Dancing
Internet Parsha Sheet is Consistently Excellent
If you are looking for a selection of consistently excellent Divrei Torah from the Net, than I highly recommend the Internet Parsha Sheet compiled by Reb Chaim Shulman. Ephraim Weiss' translations of Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky's divrei Torah have been featured recently. Reb Chaim often includes our very own R' Yakok Haber as well as Rabbi Frand, Rabbi Schacter, Rav Soloveitchik, Rabbi Scheinbaum (Peninim) and many other wonderful selections. Highly recommended!
Here is the subscription information:
To receive this parsha sheet, go to or send a blank e-mail to Please also copy me at A complete archive of previous issues is now available at (hosted by It is also fully searchable. See also torah links at
Here is the subscription information:
To receive this parsha sheet, go to or send a blank e-mail to Please also copy me at A complete archive of previous issues is now available at (hosted by It is also fully searchable. See also torah links at
Friday, March 11, 2005
R' Yakov Haber on Taamei HaMitzvos - Sundays at 8:45 AM
R' Yakov Haber has begun a new series on Taamei HaMitzvos on Sunday mornings from 8:45 AM to 9:25.
Advanced Cake Decorating for Women and Young Adults - 3/20 at 7:00 PM in the Shul
Congregation Ahavas Yisroel
Is Proud To Present:
Advanced Cake Decorating
Learn skills from a professional cake decorating instructor
Sunday, March 20th at 7:00 p.m.
For girls grades 8-12 and women
$5 admission for NON CAY MEMBERS
For more info, e-mail:
Is Proud To Present:
Advanced Cake Decorating
Learn skills from a professional cake decorating instructor
Sunday, March 20th at 7:00 p.m.
For girls grades 8-12 and women
$5 admission for NON CAY MEMBERS
For more info, e-mail:
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
R' Moshe Schwerd - Motza'ei Shabbos - 9:00 Sharp - Amalek the Source of Evil
R' Moshe Schwerd will be giving a shiur on Motza'ei Shabbos 3/12 at 9:00 Sharp titled "Amalek the Source of Evil".
Shiur for Women - Shabbos 4:00 PM - Judging Others Favorably
R' Yitzchok Tzvi Enker will be giving a Shiur for Women on Shabbos 3/12 at 4:00 PM in the Shul titled "Judging Others Favorably"
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Group Ad for Terri Kalker for Bais Yaacov Dinner Journal
Anybody interested in participating in the Shul's group ad for Terri Kalker in the Bais Yaacov Dinner Journal should contact Karen Daitchman at 718 263-1688.
Flights to Chaim Eli and Tammy's Wedding
If you are interested in going to Chaim Eli and Tammy's wedding on May 9, a number of us are leaving on American Airlines Flight 3 from leaving JFK at 12:00 Noon and arriving at LAX at 2:53 PM. The return flight is Flight 30 leaving LAX at 11:30 PM and arriving at JFK at 7:47 AM. The round trip fare has recently been quoted at $216.90.
I was also told that Delta has one way fares at $99 each way.
FYI - It takes about 45 minutes to get from LAX to the Wedding Hall.
I was also told that Delta has one way fares at $99 each way.
FYI - It takes about 45 minutes to get from LAX to the Wedding Hall.
Wanted: Decent Auto Body Shop
Does anybody know of a decent Auto Body Shop for some minor repairs. If you do, please contact Avrumi Kahn at 718 544-3429 or email him at kahnsherry -at-
KGH Community Meeting on Transportation Issues
There will be a Community meeting on Thursday, March 10th at 7:30 at the Jewish Center of Kew Gardens Hills on 71-25 Main Street. Joseph Raskin the Community Outreach Director of New York City Transit and Iris Weinshall the Transportation Commissioner will be present. Some topics to be discussed:
- Rebuilding Continental Avenue and Union Turnpike Stations
- MTA takeover of the Q-65A and Q-25/34
- Express Bus Service
- Rebuilding Grand Central Parkway bridges
- traffic hazards, traffic lights at dangerous intersections, traffic humps and truck traffic
- Rebuilding Continental Avenue and Union Turnpike Stations
- MTA takeover of the Q-65A and Q-25/34
- Express Bus Service
- Rebuilding Grand Central Parkway bridges
- traffic hazards, traffic lights at dangerous intersections, traffic humps and truck traffic
Monday, March 07, 2005
Preparing for Purim/Pesach - Daled Parshios
The Siyum HaShas is behind us and now we have Purim (and Pesach) for which to prepare. Rabbi Welcher will be giving a shiur on the "Daled Parshios" this Tuesday at 8:30 in the Shul.
Here's a link to Rabbi Noson Weisz for some deeper insights about Purim.
Here's a link to Rabbi Noson Weisz for some deeper insights about Purim.
Sunday, March 06, 2005
Pre-Purim Party - Magic Show and more...
Congregation Ahavas Yisroel
Is Proud to Present:
Pre-Purim Party
Magic Show
and more...
Sunday, March 13
1:30-3:30 pm
for children ages 5-9
CAY members $4
Non-members $7
For more info e-mail:
Is Proud to Present:
Pre-Purim Party
Magic Show
and more...
Sunday, March 13
1:30-3:30 pm
for children ages 5-9
CAY members $4
Non-members $7
For more info e-mail:
Technology in Service of Torah
It was very cool having my MP3 recorder pick up David Graubard's voice from Baltimore on Irwin Nathan's cell phone as he participated in R' Yechezkel Rosenberg's shiur on the seventh Perek of Gemorra Berachos. Today we delved into whether you can be yotzi Benching or Mezumin if somebody else is saying it in Hebrew and you don't understand Hebrew.
Let me take this opportunity to urge everyone to participate in this fantastic chavrusa learning/chabura/shiur. In fact, why not take advantage of our entire Sunday Morning line up:
7:00 R' Moshe Schwerd - Daf Yomi
8:00 Davening
8:45 R' Yakov Haber - Topics in Hashkafa
9:30 R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - Chavrusa Learning/Chabura/Shiur
Let me take this opportunity to urge everyone to participate in this fantastic chavrusa learning/chabura/shiur. In fact, why not take advantage of our entire Sunday Morning line up:
7:00 R' Moshe Schwerd - Daf Yomi
8:00 Davening
8:45 R' Yakov Haber - Topics in Hashkafa
9:30 R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - Chavrusa Learning/Chabura/Shiur
Friday, March 04, 2005
Good Siyum HaShas Article from JPost
The Internet Parsha Sheet had a good article from the JPost about the Siyum HaShas. Here is an excerpt:
In New York alone, tens of thousands of Orthodox Jews turned out on Tuesday night to celebrate at Madison Square Garden.
Like so many others there, Dovid Chait was choked up as he looked around at the arena that is home to the NBA’s Knicks, which had been taken over for the night by a sea of dark suits and black hats.
In place of the Knicks’ Jerome Williams’s name in lights up on the JumboTron, there was Rabbi Yaakov Perlow, the Novominsker Rebbe, his words booming around the arena. Instead of thousands of raucous, beer-drinking fans cheering on 2.10-meter basketball players, there were furrowed brows on sober men who stroked their beards as they listened to words of Torah from aged sages. And in place of cheers for the athletic prowess of basketball players, the masses at the Garden were celebrating Jewish scholarship.
“This is what this arena was built for,” said Chait, a native of Queens who now lives in Jerusalem. “They think it’s for the basketball, but it’s really for this.”
After the last page of the Talmud was read, followed by special prayers for the occasion, thousands of men in dark suits and black hats took to the aisles, dancing fervently as hassidic music blasted from the arena’s speakers. In the upper tiers, the women mostly watched.
“This is the eternity of the Jewish people,” Chait said. “In what other society do people celebrate knowledge as much as ours?” The 11th Siyum Hashas was believed to have been the biggest in history. An estimated 120,000 people attended siyum venues in North America, including sold-out crowds at the Garden and at Continental Airlines Arena, home to the NBA’s New Jersey Nets. A roughly equal number attended events in Israel and around the world.
In New York, the celebrations began the evening before the siyum at Gracie Mansion, the official residence of New York City’s mayor. Wearing a black velvet yarmulke and tossing around Yiddish phrases liberally, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who is Jewish, talked to his mostly Orthodox guests about the significance of the worldwide synchronized study of the Talmud – and promised to clean the city’s streets of the snow that was falling in time for the next day’s siyum.
Then he and the city’s police commissioner posed with rabbis and their wives eager for photographs as guests mingled and snacked on a kosher sushi spread. A few took a tour of the house to the tunes of the hassidic music piped through the mansion’s speaker system.
The celebration at the Garden the next day was a bit more parochial, with lengthy speeches in Yiddish sending the event into overtime. It ended with the symbolic restarting of the Talmud from the first tractate, reflecting the Simhat Torah tradition of restarting the Torah from Genesis immediately after its conclusion.
“Our work is never finished,” one of the rabbis said at the event. “This is the work of the people of Israel.”
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Correction regarding Torah Safety Commission mailing
This week a letter was sent out to the Shul from the above organization, endorsing the necessity of solar powered house numbers for our homes. Please note that the correct phone number to purchase numbers is 718-263-3406 (Batya Fishman).
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Siyum HaShas Pictures
Pictures were taken with a disposable Kodak, developed at a 1 hour photo place and then scanned and uploaded. It really wasn't as dark at the Garden as it appears in the photos.
Click here for the pictures
Click here for the pictures

Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Important for those attending Siyum HaShas on Tuesday!
When you're at the Siyum HaShas tonight, and it comes time time to say Kaddish, when you answer, AMEN, Y'HAY SHMAY RABBA. . . PLEASE have in mind that Akiva Shammai ben Ahava Rivka should have a refua shlaima.
He is the young married man who is at Park Terrace, and this could be a tremendous zechus for him..
Tizku l"mitzvos.
He is the young married man who is at Park Terrace, and this could be a tremendous zechus for him..
Tizku l"mitzvos.
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