It was very cool having my MP3 recorder pick up David Graubard's voice from Baltimore on Irwin Nathan's cell phone as he participated in R' Yechezkel Rosenberg's shiur on the seventh Perek of Gemorra Berachos. Today we delved into whether you can be yotzi Benching or Mezumin if somebody else is saying it in Hebrew and you don't understand Hebrew.
Let me take this opportunity to urge everyone to participate in this fantastic chavrusa learning/chabura/shiur. In fact, why not take advantage of our entire Sunday Morning line up:
7:00 R' Moshe Schwerd - Daf Yomi
8:00 Davening
8:45 R' Yakov Haber - Topics in Hashkafa
9:30 R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - Chavrusa Learning/Chabura/Shiur