Thursday, October 06, 2005

Sarah Shapiro On Anger and Featured in the Upcoming Inspired For Women - Oct 8 at 9:30 PM

Sarah Shapiro has a good post On Anger and Yomin Noraim. Here is an excerpt:

"Although anger can quite literally destroy us, it isn't an enemy that can be crushed and banished. It's an intrinsic facet of our personalities, and is purposefully designed into our being, and needn't, cannot be denied. It can provide us with superb insight into our own usually hidden selves. What is it that irritates, annoys, infuriates us? The more developed our capacity to identify what's really bothering us, and to recognize that the true object of our anger always lies within, not in the external phenomenon, then the better our chances of becoming our own masters. Anger, which can work so powerfully against happiness, is the very tool we've been given to get a handle on our invisible, elusive inner selves. What aggravates me? Why does it inflame me? The more truthful our answers, the more light that's shed on what makes us tick."

Mrs. Shapiro is featured in the "Inspired for Women", movie which will be shown at Ahavas Yisroel this Motza'ei Shabbos at 9:30 PM. The film is hosted by Rebbetzin Feige Twerski and features interviews with Rebbetzins Tziporah Heller & Gila Manolson as wells as Miriam Adahan, Julia Blum, Sara Rigler and many others who share their personal journeys to Torah life. Donations are $10 or you can pre-register for $5 at with proceeds to Aish Hatorah.