On Tuesday, November 6, from 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm, the Women’s League’s will again be collecting clothing to be shipped to Kiryat Sefer. Distribution will be conducted by Bracha (Pearl) Silberstein. Because shipping will be in egg boxes which cost $18 per box, shipping will be limited to the following items:
1. Clothing for Infants and Toddlers
2. Shabbos and weekday clothing for children ages 5-12 in very good condition
Boys: Long pants/shorts – dark colors, polo shirts with buttons and regular shirts in white, plaids or stripes
Girls: Dresses, skirts and jumpers, blouses with appropriate sleeves
3. Shabbos clothing for teens
Donations toward shipping costs can be made to Cong. Ahavas Yisroel Women’s League.
For more information, or to volunteer to sort, pack or drive, please contact Sunni Pearl, 544-9206.