Congregation Ahavas Yisroel of Kew Gardens Hills
Focused on Torah, Tefillah, Gemilus Chasadim and Eretz Yisroel
Rabbi Herschel Welcher - Marah D’Asrah
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Rabbi Goldwasser on Seeing Hashgacha in Times of Challenge - mp3
Rabbi Goldwasser on Seeing Hashgacha in Times of Challenge - mp3 here.
Rabbi Welcher on Halachos of Chanukah Lighting Time - mp3
Rabbi Welcher on Halachos of Chanukah Lighting Time - mp3 here.
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Ahavas Yisroel Women’s League Annual Supperette
Please Join Us for Our
Ahavas Yisroel Women’s League
Annual Supperette
On Monday, December 7, 2009
7:30 in the Evening
At the home of Ilana Hertzberg
141- 18 70th Road, KGH
There will be a Chanukah Mini Boutique
See Old Friends, Meet New Ones
We will be having a Craft Activity
Please Bring a Cholov Yisroel or Parve Dish or Dessert
RSVP to Jennifer Jaffe – 718-591-1175
Bracha Sebrow – 718-793-2866
Looking Forward to Seeing You Then
Ahavas Yisroel Women’s League
Annual Supperette
On Monday, December 7, 2009
7:30 in the Evening
At the home of Ilana Hertzberg
141- 18 70th Road, KGH
There will be a Chanukah Mini Boutique
See Old Friends, Meet New Ones
We will be having a Craft Activity
Please Bring a Cholov Yisroel or Parve Dish or Dessert
RSVP to Jennifer Jaffe – 718-591-1175
Bracha Sebrow – 718-793-2866
Looking Forward to Seeing You Then
Monday, November 30, 2009
Daughters/Granddaughters Kiddush planned for this Shabbos
Our Shul is planning a Kiddush for this Shabbos to celebrate the recent births of daughters and granddaughters. If you would like to join with others to co-sponsor this Kiddush, please call Yoni Platovsky (718-459-2290) or Jay Daitchman (718-263-1688).
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Rabbi Zev Leff on Fulfilling the Mitzvah of Yishuv Eretz Yisroel Even in Chutz Laaretz - mp3
Rabbi Zev Leff on Fulfilling the Mitzvah of Yishuv Eretz Yisroel Even in Chutz Laaretz can be downloaded here: here.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
We regret to inform you that Daniel Goldschmiedt’s Father Martin was niftar on Shabbos
We regret to inform you that Daniel Goldschmiedt’s Father Martin was niftar on Shabbos. The Levaya will take place Sunday at 9:00am at Sinai Chapel 162-05 Horace Harding Expwy.
Shiva will be observed at 76-31 168th Street Hillcrest NY
Minyan schedule is as follows:
Shacharis Monday 6:50am Tuesday and Wednesday 7:00am Thursday 8:00am
Minchah Followed by Marriv Monday through Thursday 4:20pm
Shiva continues on Friday at Philip Goldschmiedt 6861 Downing St. Teaneck, NJ
Shacharis 8:00am
May the family be comforted among the mourners of Tzion ViYerushalayim.
Shiva will be observed at 76-31 168th Street Hillcrest NY
Minyan schedule is as follows:
Shacharis Monday 6:50am Tuesday and Wednesday 7:00am Thursday 8:00am
Minchah Followed by Marriv Monday through Thursday 4:20pm
Shiva continues on Friday at Philip Goldschmiedt 6861 Downing St. Teaneck, NJ
Shacharis 8:00am
May the family be comforted among the mourners of Tzion ViYerushalayim.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Mark your Calendars Ahavas Yisroel Women’s League Annual Supperette
Please Mark your Calendars
For the Ahavas Yisroel Women’s League
Annual Supperette
Monday Evening December 7, 2009
At 7:30 pm
At the home of Ilana Hertzberg
141-18 70th Road, KGH
Join us for Food, Friends, a Mini Chanukah Boutique and
Craft Project
We would like to ask you to please bring either a
Main dish or dessert
Please keep it Parve or Cholov Yisroel
RSVP with Name and Dish to
Jennifer Jaffe or
Bracha Sebrow or
For the Ahavas Yisroel Women’s League
Annual Supperette
Monday Evening December 7, 2009
At 7:30 pm
At the home of Ilana Hertzberg
141-18 70th Road, KGH
Join us for Food, Friends, a Mini Chanukah Boutique and
Craft Project
We would like to ask you to please bring either a
Main dish or dessert
Please keep it Parve or Cholov Yisroel
RSVP with Name and Dish to
Jennifer Jaffe or
Bracha Sebrow or
Monday, November 16, 2009
Rebbetzin Heller on Breaking Out of Our Complacency - mp3
Rebbetzin Heller on Breaking Out of Our Complacency here.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Friday, November 06, 2009
We regret to inform you that Mrs. Chernie Arfe has sustained the loss of her mother.
We regret to inform you that Mrs. Chernie Arfe has sustained the loss of her mother. The burial took place on Thursday.
Shiv'ah is being observed at the Arfe home, 141-27 70th Road, through Wednesday morning, November 11. As per the family's request, please do not visit past 10:00 pm.
There will be a minyan for Maariv at the shiv'ah house on Sunday through Tuesday at 7:30 pm.
May the family be comforted amongst the mourners of Zion and Yerushalayim.
Shiv'ah is being observed at the Arfe home, 141-27 70th Road, through Wednesday morning, November 11. As per the family's request, please do not visit past 10:00 pm.
There will be a minyan for Maariv at the shiv'ah house on Sunday through Tuesday at 7:30 pm.
May the family be comforted amongst the mourners of Zion and Yerushalayim.
Monday, November 02, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Moatza'ei Shabbos Learning Program Delays World Series
Close to 60 people joined together to make the first Moatza'ei Shabbos Learning a smashing success. In fact the tremendous Mesiras Nefesh resulted in Game 3 of the World Series being delayed by rain until the learning was over.
Yasher Koach to all who joined and please join us in the weeks to come.
This picture shows that Torah and Kemach are a winning combination.
Yasher Koach to all who joined and please join us in the weeks to come.
This picture shows that Torah and Kemach are a winning combination.

R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - Sunrise, Sunset and Mincha - Part 1 and 2
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - Sunrise, Sunset and Mincha
Part 1a here
Part 1b here
Part 2a here
Part 2b here
Part 1a here
Part 1b here
Part 2a here
Part 2b here
R' Eliezer Maybruch - Women and Kiddush Levana - Part 1 and 2
R' Eliezer Maybruch - Women and Kiddush Levana - part 1 here and part 2 here.
Rabbi Welcher on Halachos of Terumah and Maaser - Part 1 and 2
Rabbi Welcher on Halachos of Terumah and Maaser part 1 here and part 2 here.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Shalom Task Force Memorial Lecture in Memory of Pess Esptein, a”h
Shalom Task Force Memorial Lecture in Memory of Pess Esptein, a”h
"After The Chuppah…Building a Lasting Marriage in a Disposable World”
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, Executive Vice President Emeritus, OU
When: Motzoei Shabbos, October 31, 2009, 8:30 p.m.
Where: Lander College for Men, 75-31 150th St., Kew Gardens Hills
For more information call 212-742-1478 or visit our website at:
"After The Chuppah…Building a Lasting Marriage in a Disposable World”
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, Executive Vice President Emeritus, OU
When: Motzoei Shabbos, October 31, 2009, 8:30 p.m.
Where: Lander College for Men, 75-31 150th St., Kew Gardens Hills
For more information call 212-742-1478 or visit our website at:
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Yearning for Redemption Video - Rebbetzins Jaeger & Heller at CAY on Wed Oct 28 at 8:00 PM
Join us for a Video for Women Only
7th Annual Worldwide Video Event for the Yahrzeit of Rachel Imeinu and Fundraiser for Aniyei Eretz Yisroel
“Yearning for Redemption”
Rebbetzin Tehila Jaeger
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller
Wednesday, October 28th - 8:00 PM
Donation at the Door
Proceeds to Aniyei Eretz Yisroel
Congregation Ahavas Yisroel 147-02 73rd Avenue
7th Annual Worldwide Video Event for the Yahrzeit of Rachel Imeinu and Fundraiser for Aniyei Eretz Yisroel
“Yearning for Redemption”
Rebbetzin Tehila Jaeger
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller
Wednesday, October 28th - 8:00 PM
Donation at the Door
Proceeds to Aniyei Eretz Yisroel
Congregation Ahavas Yisroel 147-02 73rd Avenue
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Friday, October 02, 2009
First Night of Sukkos - Halachic Rain Advisory
First Night of Sukkos - Halachic Rain Advisory
From Rabbi Welcher
For people who are not eating alone.
If it rains tonight on the first night of Succos:
- Wait 20 minutes from when you're ready to go into the Sukkah.
- If it doesn't stop raining, make kiddush, wash and eat a kezayis in the Sukkah without a L'eshev B'Sukkah and eat your meal in your house.
- If it stops raining at some point, go out and eat a kezayis with a L'eshev B'Sukkah and the meal can be finished inside the house.
- You can bentsch inside your house if you ate your meal inside your house.
- It is stops raining after you've bentsched, you should eat a kezayis with a L'eshev B'Sukkah at some point in the night.
Also note that on Shabbos you should start Shalosh Seudos by 3:40 PM.
From Rabbi Welcher
For people who are not eating alone.
If it rains tonight on the first night of Succos:
- Wait 20 minutes from when you're ready to go into the Sukkah.
- If it doesn't stop raining, make kiddush, wash and eat a kezayis in the Sukkah without a L'eshev B'Sukkah and eat your meal in your house.
- If it stops raining at some point, go out and eat a kezayis with a L'eshev B'Sukkah and the meal can be finished inside the house.
- You can bentsch inside your house if you ate your meal inside your house.
- It is stops raining after you've bentsched, you should eat a kezayis with a L'eshev B'Sukkah at some point in the night.
Also note that on Shabbos you should start Shalosh Seudos by 3:40 PM.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
R' Moshe Schwerd - Attaining Spiritual Purity on Yom Kippur and Shoes - mp3
R' Moshe Schwerd - Attaining Spiritual Purity on Yom Kippur and Shoes - mp3 can be downloaded here
Rabbi Welcher on Hilchos Teshuva Perek 10 - mp3
Rabbi Welcher on Hilchos Teshuva Perek 10 can be downloaded here here
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Annual Women’s Shabbas Shuva Drasha
The Annual Shabbas Shuva Drasha for Women, in honor of the 20th Yahrzeit of Chana Mindel bas R ‘Shammai, will take place this Shabbos afternoon, September 26, at 4 PM in the Shul. The Drasha, entitled “To Thine Own Self Be True,” will be given by Rabbi Moshe Bamberger, Mashgiach Ruchani of the Lander College for Men.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
R' Eliezer Maybruch - Teshuva - R' Pincus
R' Eliezer Maybruch - Teshuva - R' Pincus can be downloaded here
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - Tefillah Keneged Avos- mp3
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - Tefillah Keneged Avos- mp3 can be downloaded here.
R' Moshe Schwerd Simanim Tashlich Kaparos - mp3
R' Moshe Schwerd Simanim Tashlich Kaparos - mp3 can be downloaded here
Rabbi Welcher on Hilchos Teshuva Perek 7 - mp3
Rabbi Welcher on Hilchos Teshuva Perek 7 can be downloaded here here
Rabbi Welcher on Halachos of Tekias Shofar - mp3
Rabbi Welcher on Halachos of Tekias Shofar can be downloaded here
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Candle Lighting 7:36 pm Plag HaMinchah Minyan
Minchah Erev Shabbos 6:09 pm *
7:10 pm **
Hashkamah Minyan 7:15 am Daf Yomi 7:25 am
Shacharis 8:30 am Sof Z'man K'rias Sh'ma 9:33 am
Rabbi's Shiur in P'sachim 5:00 pm Minchah Shabbos Afternoon 6:00 pm
Pirkei Avos 8:10 pm Maariv 8:43 pm
Weekday Shacharis Maariv
Sunday 8:00 am Sunday-Thursday 9:30 pm
Monday & Thursday 6:20 & 7:35 am
Tues.; Wed., & Friday 6:30 & 7:35 am
*Wives of husbands attending the First Plag Minyan should light 23 minutes after Minchah and not before.
**Wives of husbands attending the Second Plag Minyan should light 20 minutes after Minchah .
*Earliest Time for Talis and T'filin for the week of August 15th is 5:17am.*
Shabbos Afternoons promptly at 5:00pm a Pirkei Avos Shiur series for women is taking place
At Congregation Degel Israel (Rabbi Sheinfeld’s Shtiebel)on Main St. at 68th Drive, Rena Greenberg
will be speaking this Shabbos Parshas R’ei, August 15th, followed by Tova Well, next Shabbos
Parshas Shoftim, August 22nd. All women are welcome to attend.
8:10 pm: Pirkei Avos Shiur, given this week by R' Avrohom Moshe Heller
Yaakov and Chernie Arfe on the occasion of the 27th Yahrzeit of her father Pesach ben Tzvi Yitzchak
Steven and Linda Brizel L’zacher nishmas Yizchak ben Zelig
Richard and Terri Kalker in honor of their son Yisrael making Aliyah, Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Avi Riechman in honor of Mrs. Sarah Simanowitz becoming First Lady.
The next Shabbos Kiddush will take place on Parshas Nitzavim-VaYeilech (September 12). Sponsorship is $100.
If you are interested in sponsoring, be it for a Simchah or a Yahrzeit, see or call Yoni Platovsky (718-459-2290) or Jay Daitchman (718-263-1688).
-PAGE 2-
8:50 am:R’Eliezer Maybruch’s shiur will not be given this week.
9:15 am:R’Yechezkel Rosenberg’s Chavrusah Program in B’rachos.
THURSDAY, AUGUST 20:R’Yisroel Benedek’s shiur series will resume august 27th.
SUNDAY-THURSDAY, 8:00pm-10:30pm
EVERY MONDAY, 9:45pm-10:15pm: Chaburah on the Maharal led by Aaron Meltzer
EVERY TUESDAY, 8:30pm-9:30pm: Rav’s weekly shiur will resume after the summer.
EVERY WEDNESDAY, 9:45pm-10:15pm: Chaburah on Chumash with Ramban led by R’ Mark Kutner will resume this week. August 19th.
EVERY OTHER THURSDAY, 9:45pm-10:15pm: Chaburah on Torah and Medicine (contact Rich Gewanter at for the schedule)
SUNDAY-THURSDAY, 9:45pm-10:15pm: Chaburah on Mishnah B’rurah led by R' Moshe Bilitzky
The Rav strongly encourages everyone to participate for 30 minutes one day a week before or after Maariv.
8:30 pm: Women’s League’s weekly Tehillim Group.
8:30 pm: Rabbi Zvi Lew's Summer Lecture Series for women will be held in the Shul. There will be seven weekly sessions on Wednesday evenings at 8:30 pm from July 1st –Aug. 19th.. Each free-of-charge session will cover a self-contained sub-topic within Hilchos Shabbos. As in the past, this series is sponsored by Ateret Seminary for Women. For more information, please call 718-896-8251.
Anna Aronovitch and Susie Garber invite single men and women to a special Shabbaton that will take place, Be”H, in Kew Gardens Hills, August 21-22 (Shoftim). The cost is $50.
The event is geared towards women (ages 32-42) and men (ages 36-45).
To reserve, please mail a check for $50, payable to Susie Garber. At 147-37 70th Ave, Flushing, NY 11367.
Please indicate if housing will be needed. Space is limited, and reservations will not be confirmed until payment is received.
For more information, please contact:
Susie Garber – ( or call 718 268-2448) or Anna Aronovitch (718-436-4565).
If you wish to help in any way, please contact Susie Garber.
Candle Lighting 7:36 pm Plag HaMinchah Minyan
Minchah Erev Shabbos 6:09 pm *
7:10 pm **
Hashkamah Minyan 7:15 am Daf Yomi 7:25 am
Shacharis 8:30 am Sof Z'man K'rias Sh'ma 9:33 am
Rabbi's Shiur in P'sachim 5:00 pm Minchah Shabbos Afternoon 6:00 pm
Pirkei Avos 8:10 pm Maariv 8:43 pm
Weekday Shacharis Maariv
Sunday 8:00 am Sunday-Thursday 9:30 pm
Monday & Thursday 6:20 & 7:35 am
Tues.; Wed., & Friday 6:30 & 7:35 am
*Wives of husbands attending the First Plag Minyan should light 23 minutes after Minchah and not before.
**Wives of husbands attending the Second Plag Minyan should light 20 minutes after Minchah .
*Earliest Time for Talis and T'filin for the week of August 15th is 5:17am.*
Shabbos Afternoons promptly at 5:00pm a Pirkei Avos Shiur series for women is taking place
At Congregation Degel Israel (Rabbi Sheinfeld’s Shtiebel)on Main St. at 68th Drive, Rena Greenberg
will be speaking this Shabbos Parshas R’ei, August 15th, followed by Tova Well, next Shabbos
Parshas Shoftim, August 22nd. All women are welcome to attend.
8:10 pm: Pirkei Avos Shiur, given this week by R' Avrohom Moshe Heller
Yaakov and Chernie Arfe on the occasion of the 27th Yahrzeit of her father Pesach ben Tzvi Yitzchak
Steven and Linda Brizel L’zacher nishmas Yizchak ben Zelig
Richard and Terri Kalker in honor of their son Yisrael making Aliyah, Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Avi Riechman in honor of Mrs. Sarah Simanowitz becoming First Lady.
The next Shabbos Kiddush will take place on Parshas Nitzavim-VaYeilech (September 12). Sponsorship is $100.
If you are interested in sponsoring, be it for a Simchah or a Yahrzeit, see or call Yoni Platovsky (718-459-2290) or Jay Daitchman (718-263-1688).
-PAGE 2-
8:50 am:R’Eliezer Maybruch’s shiur will not be given this week.
9:15 am:R’Yechezkel Rosenberg’s Chavrusah Program in B’rachos.
THURSDAY, AUGUST 20:R’Yisroel Benedek’s shiur series will resume august 27th.
SUNDAY-THURSDAY, 8:00pm-10:30pm
EVERY MONDAY, 9:45pm-10:15pm: Chaburah on the Maharal led by Aaron Meltzer
EVERY TUESDAY, 8:30pm-9:30pm: Rav’s weekly shiur will resume after the summer.
EVERY WEDNESDAY, 9:45pm-10:15pm: Chaburah on Chumash with Ramban led by R’ Mark Kutner will resume this week. August 19th.
EVERY OTHER THURSDAY, 9:45pm-10:15pm: Chaburah on Torah and Medicine (contact Rich Gewanter at for the schedule)
SUNDAY-THURSDAY, 9:45pm-10:15pm: Chaburah on Mishnah B’rurah led by R' Moshe Bilitzky
The Rav strongly encourages everyone to participate for 30 minutes one day a week before or after Maariv.
8:30 pm: Women’s League’s weekly Tehillim Group.
8:30 pm: Rabbi Zvi Lew's Summer Lecture Series for women will be held in the Shul. There will be seven weekly sessions on Wednesday evenings at 8:30 pm from July 1st –Aug. 19th.. Each free-of-charge session will cover a self-contained sub-topic within Hilchos Shabbos. As in the past, this series is sponsored by Ateret Seminary for Women. For more information, please call 718-896-8251.
Anna Aronovitch and Susie Garber invite single men and women to a special Shabbaton that will take place, Be”H, in Kew Gardens Hills, August 21-22 (Shoftim). The cost is $50.
The event is geared towards women (ages 32-42) and men (ages 36-45).
To reserve, please mail a check for $50, payable to Susie Garber. At 147-37 70th Ave, Flushing, NY 11367.
Please indicate if housing will be needed. Space is limited, and reservations will not be confirmed until payment is received.
For more information, please contact:
Susie Garber – ( or call 718 268-2448) or Anna Aronovitch (718-436-4565).
If you wish to help in any way, please contact Susie Garber.
Parsha R'ei
Friday, July 31, 2009
R' Moshe Schwerd Tisha B’Av – Past, Present & Future - mp3
R' Moshe Schwerd Tisha B’Av – Past, Present & Future - mp3 here
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Congregation Ahavas Yisroel - Tisha B’Av, 5769 - Schedule
Tisha B’Av, 5769
Thursday July 30th, 2009
8:03 PM Fast Begins
8:56 PM Maariv and Eichah
8:30 AM Shacharis and Kinos
1:02 PM Chatzos
1:35 PM Mincha (note: change of time)
2:00 PM Child Appropriate Holocaust Related Videos for Girls
At the Home of Shari and Steven Weiss - 75-17 141st Place
2:10 PM Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation ($15 Admission, $10 Students)
What Tisha B’Av Should Mean: Harav Shteinmen, Harav Salomon
Harav Kamanetsky, Harav Rabinowitz
Heeding the Call: Rabbi Yissocher Frand
Bringing Brocha Into Your Life: Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro
4:10 PM Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation ($15 Admission, $10 Students)
Slander, Gossip & Verbal Abuse Rabbi Eli Monsour
Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky
6:00 PM R’ Moshe Schwerd - “Tisha B’Av – Past, Present & Future”
7:10 PM Second Mincha (note: change of time)
7:10 PM OU Video (ends at 7:50)
7:50 PM Rabbi Welcher - Tisha B’Av Shiur
8:35 PM Maariv
8:55 PM Fast Ends
Thursday July 30th, 2009
8:03 PM Fast Begins
8:56 PM Maariv and Eichah
8:30 AM Shacharis and Kinos
1:02 PM Chatzos
1:35 PM Mincha (note: change of time)
2:00 PM Child Appropriate Holocaust Related Videos for Girls
At the Home of Shari and Steven Weiss - 75-17 141st Place
2:10 PM Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation ($15 Admission, $10 Students)
What Tisha B’Av Should Mean: Harav Shteinmen, Harav Salomon
Harav Kamanetsky, Harav Rabinowitz
Heeding the Call: Rabbi Yissocher Frand
Bringing Brocha Into Your Life: Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro
4:10 PM Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation ($15 Admission, $10 Students)
Slander, Gossip & Verbal Abuse Rabbi Eli Monsour
Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky
6:00 PM R’ Moshe Schwerd - “Tisha B’Av – Past, Present & Future”
7:10 PM Second Mincha (note: change of time)
7:10 PM OU Video (ends at 7:50)
7:50 PM Rabbi Welcher - Tisha B’Av Shiur
8:35 PM Maariv
8:55 PM Fast Ends
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Shul Elections and Proposed Slate of Officers
Dear Member:
The Nominating Committee proposes that the slate of officers and board members listed below be nominated for election. The election is scheduled to take place at a general membership meeting to be held on August 8, 2009 at 10:00 PM. Refreshments will be served. Additional nominations will be accepted from the floor at that time. The following is the proposed slate:
Barry Simanowitz - President
Elliot Hecht - Vice President
Yussie Englander - Treasurer
Jay Jaffe - Secretary
Ronnie Schlanger - Gabbai Rishon
Yoni Katz - Gabbai Sheni
Board Members:
Harvey Blitz
Mark Frankel
David Graubard
Ruevan Grossman
David Kirschner
David Levin (Immediate Past President)
Michael Salzbank
Shari Weiss
The Nominating Committee proposes that the slate of officers and board members listed below be nominated for election. The election is scheduled to take place at a general membership meeting to be held on August 8, 2009 at 10:00 PM. Refreshments will be served. Additional nominations will be accepted from the floor at that time. The following is the proposed slate:
Barry Simanowitz - President
Elliot Hecht - Vice President
Yussie Englander - Treasurer
Jay Jaffe - Secretary
Ronnie Schlanger - Gabbai Rishon
Yoni Katz - Gabbai Sheni
Board Members:
Harvey Blitz
Mark Frankel
David Graubard
Ruevan Grossman
David Kirschner
David Levin (Immediate Past President)
Michael Salzbank
Shari Weiss
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Rabbi Welcher on Rav Moshe's Teshuva on Boys and Girls Socializing - mp3
Rabbi Welcher on the Rambam on Moshe's Prophecy can be downloaded here
R' Eliezer Maybruch - Torah in Heaven or on Earth - Angels vs Moshe Rabbeinu - mp3
R' Eliezer Maybruch - Torah in Heaven or on Earth - Angels vs Moshe Rabbeinu can be downloaded here
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Rabbi Welcher on the Rambam on Moshe's Prophecy
Rabbi Welcher on the Rambam on Moshe's Prophecy can be downloaded here
R' Eliezer Maybruch - Remembering Har Sinai
R' Eliezer Maybruch - Remembering Har Sinai can be downloaded here
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - Covered Tzoa Re'ah- mp3
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - Covered Tzoa Re'ah- mp3 part 1 here and part 2 here.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - Covered Tzoa - mp3
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - Covered Tzoa - mp3 part 1 here and part 2 here.
Rabbi Welcher on Eating Dairy on Yom Tov - mp3
Rabbi Welcher on Eating Dairy on Yom Tov can be downloaded here
Sunday, May 10, 2009
R' Eliezer Maybruch - Simcha on Lag B'Omer
R' Eliezer Maybruch - Simcha on Lag B'Omer can be downloaded here
R' Eliezer Maybruch - Music during Sefirah
R' Eliezer Maybruch - Music during Sefirah can be downloaded here
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - Suffik Mei Reglayim - mp3
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - Suffik Mei Reglayim - mp3 part 1 here and part 2 here.
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - Kriah Shema in Mikvah - mp3
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - Kriah Shema in Mikvah - mp3 part 1 here and part 2 here.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller on Chesed in Turbulent Times
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller on Chesed in Turbulent Times can be downloaded here
Rabbi Welcher on Yom Tov Halachic Principals - mp3
Rabbi Welcher on Yom Tov Halachic Principals can be downloaded here
Sunday, April 26, 2009
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - on Suffik Tzoa - mp3
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - on Suffik Tzoa - mp3 part 1 here and part 2 here.
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - on Lebo Roeh Es HaErva - mp3
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - on Lebo Roeh Es HaErva - mp3 can be downloaded here.
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - on Davening Vaskin - mp3
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - on Davening Vaskin - mp3 part 1 here and part 2 here.
R' Eliezer Maybruch - Shaving on Lag B'Omer
R' Eliezer Maybruch - Shaving on Lag B'Omer on Pesach can be downloaded here
Sunday, April 05, 2009
TEN WAYS to help you and YOUR CHILDREN have a more Meaningful and Inspiring PESACH SEDER
Use these suggestions to infuse new meaning and excitement into your seder and create a lasting experience for you and your family.
1.Make the most of your Seder and best fulfill the mitzvah of V'higadita L'vincha by staying focused on telling the actual story of Yetzias Mitzrayim; concentrate on the events and their lessons.
2. Transform Yetzias Mitzrayim from a story into a reality by celebrating the Seder like you celebrate a Simcha in your own family. Speak about it vividly, personally and'll inspire yourself and your children.
3. Prepare for the Seder! Spend time studying books and Midrashim that elaborate specifically on the details of each miracle to help your children appreciate the extent of Hashem's kindness.
4. Make Pesach personal and relevant to your children. Use your discussion about the amazing miracles of Yetzias Mitzrayim as a means of opening their eyes to the miracles Hashem performs for us every day.
5. Show your children how so much of the Pesach Seder revolves around them, demonstrating how much Hashem cares about every child and values each one as an essential member of Klal Yisroel.
6. Involve your children in the Pesach Seder. Prepare stimulating and challenging questions that will guide them to understand the lessons of the Haggadah and be an active participant in the Seder.
7. Practice the lesson of the Four Sons during your Seder by making a particular effort to involve each child (and adult!) in a way that best suits his or her unique personality, style and level.
8. Take the time to patiently answer your children’s questions. If you don’t know the answer, create a powerful Chinuch experience by asking a rabbi and exploring the issue… together with your child.
9. Reinforce their Emunah through the Pesach Seder by explaining that the miracles of Yetzias Mitzrayim irrefutably demonstrated Hashem’s complete control over the world to millions of eyewitnesses. We attest to this truth every year on the Seder night.
10. Inspire yourself by remembering that tonight Jewish parents around the world are passing on a glorious 3,320 year old legacy to their children as their parents and ancestors have done before them. Realize that the Seder that you create for your children will inspire them for the rest of their lives and shape the future Seder that they will make for their children.
The Pesach Seder:
A Unique Opportunity to Instill Emunah in Our Children
The Mitvah of telling the story of Yetzias Mitzrayim is primarily focused on our children and family. Its main purpose is to instill in their hearts the full knowledge of Hashem’s sovereignty and the magnitude of His strength and miracles. One should explain the story to them in the language that they understand to make them aware of the extent of the wonders that Hashem performs. It is not sufficient to explain just the main points of Yetzias Mitzrayim written in the Haggadah. Instead, we should describe all of the miracles vividly as they are depicted in the Gemara, Midrashim and other Seforim. (Based on Yesod V'Shoresh Ha'avoda 9:6)
Under the auspices of Harav Reuven Feinstein, Shlita
For additional copies of this poster or for more information about Priority-1’s training programs, resources and consultations for parents and educators, please call 800-33-FOREVER
1.Make the most of your Seder and best fulfill the mitzvah of V'higadita L'vincha by staying focused on telling the actual story of Yetzias Mitzrayim; concentrate on the events and their lessons.
2. Transform Yetzias Mitzrayim from a story into a reality by celebrating the Seder like you celebrate a Simcha in your own family. Speak about it vividly, personally and'll inspire yourself and your children.
3. Prepare for the Seder! Spend time studying books and Midrashim that elaborate specifically on the details of each miracle to help your children appreciate the extent of Hashem's kindness.
4. Make Pesach personal and relevant to your children. Use your discussion about the amazing miracles of Yetzias Mitzrayim as a means of opening their eyes to the miracles Hashem performs for us every day.
5. Show your children how so much of the Pesach Seder revolves around them, demonstrating how much Hashem cares about every child and values each one as an essential member of Klal Yisroel.
6. Involve your children in the Pesach Seder. Prepare stimulating and challenging questions that will guide them to understand the lessons of the Haggadah and be an active participant in the Seder.
7. Practice the lesson of the Four Sons during your Seder by making a particular effort to involve each child (and adult!) in a way that best suits his or her unique personality, style and level.
8. Take the time to patiently answer your children’s questions. If you don’t know the answer, create a powerful Chinuch experience by asking a rabbi and exploring the issue… together with your child.
9. Reinforce their Emunah through the Pesach Seder by explaining that the miracles of Yetzias Mitzrayim irrefutably demonstrated Hashem’s complete control over the world to millions of eyewitnesses. We attest to this truth every year on the Seder night.
10. Inspire yourself by remembering that tonight Jewish parents around the world are passing on a glorious 3,320 year old legacy to their children as their parents and ancestors have done before them. Realize that the Seder that you create for your children will inspire them for the rest of their lives and shape the future Seder that they will make for their children.
The Pesach Seder:
A Unique Opportunity to Instill Emunah in Our Children
The Mitvah of telling the story of Yetzias Mitzrayim is primarily focused on our children and family. Its main purpose is to instill in their hearts the full knowledge of Hashem’s sovereignty and the magnitude of His strength and miracles. One should explain the story to them in the language that they understand to make them aware of the extent of the wonders that Hashem performs. It is not sufficient to explain just the main points of Yetzias Mitzrayim written in the Haggadah. Instead, we should describe all of the miracles vividly as they are depicted in the Gemara, Midrashim and other Seforim. (Based on Yesod V'Shoresh Ha'avoda 9:6)
Under the auspices of Harav Reuven Feinstein, Shlita
For additional copies of this poster or for more information about Priority-1’s training programs, resources and consultations for parents and educators, please call 800-33-FOREVER
Rabbi Moshe Gordon on the Seder and the Haggadah Through the Eyes of the Major Rishonim, Achronim and Poskim
Here is great series of Shiurim by Rabbi Moshe Gordon on the Seder and the Haggadah which covers the major Rishonim, Achronim and Poskim on the mitzvos of Pesach night.
Kadesh and Arba Kosos
Urchatz Karpas Yachatz
Hallel Rachtza Matza Heseiba
Maror Korech Shulchan Orech
Afikomen Barech End of Hallel Nirtza after Seder
Intro to Sippur Yetzias Mitzrayim
HaLachma Anya Akiras HaShulchan Intro to Ma Nishtana
Ma Nishtana
Avadim Hayeinu Arami Oved Avi
Arami Oved Avi 2
Makos End of Magid
Kadesh and Arba Kosos
Urchatz Karpas Yachatz
Hallel Rachtza Matza Heseiba
Maror Korech Shulchan Orech
Afikomen Barech End of Hallel Nirtza after Seder
Intro to Sippur Yetzias Mitzrayim
HaLachma Anya Akiras HaShulchan Intro to Ma Nishtana
Ma Nishtana
Avadim Hayeinu Arami Oved Avi
Arami Oved Avi 2
Makos End of Magid
Monday, March 23, 2009
Rabbi Welcher on Preparing Your Home for Pesach - mp3
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Rabbi Welcher on Chametz: Bitul, Bedikah, Mechira
Rabbi Welcher on Chametz: Bitul, Bedikah, Mechira can be downloaded here
Sunday, March 15, 2009
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - Ra'ah on Tzoa - mp3
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - Ra'ah on Tzoa - mp3 part 1 here and part 2 here.
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - Moving Tzoa - mp3
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - Moving Tzoa - mp3 part 1 here and part 2 here.
R' Eliezer Maybruch - Chamar Medina on Pesach
R' Eliezer Maybruch - Chamar Medina on Pesach can be downloaded here
R' Eliezer Maybruch - Halachos of Purim
R' Eliezer Maybruch - Halachos of Purim can be downloaded here
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Queens Megillah Reading Times for 2009
Queens Megillah Reading Times for 2009 can be downloaded here
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Current Events: Signs of the Coming of Mashiach - mp3
R' Moshe Schwerd on “Current Events: Signs of the Coming of Mashiach" can be downloaded here
Rabbi Daniel Feldman - Organ Donations in Halacha
Rabbi Daniel Feldman - 'Organ Donations in Halacha' - mp3 can be downloaded here.
Rav Daniel Feldman on the Shesh Zechiros
Rav Daniel Feldman, Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshivas Rabbeinu Yitzchak Elchanan gave an amazing shiur on the Shesh Zechiros. By the end of the shiur, everybody was in awe of his amazing bekias and presentation without any notes. You can download the shiur here.
Rav Daniel Feldman on Shaloch Manos
Rav Daniel Feldman's shiur on Shaloch Manos can be downloaded here.
Rav Feldman traces many of the disagreements in Shaloch Manos to a Teshuva of the Chasam Sofer who discusses the essence of Shaloch Manos. Is it like the Terumas HaDeshen who holds that the purpose of Shaloch Manos is to help people make the Seudah of Purim. Or is it like the Manos HaLevi (R'Shlomo Alacabes) who holds that the purpose of Shaloch Manos is to bring people closer to each other and strengthen the bonds of friendship.
Rav Feldman masterfully shows how many differences in opinions on Shaloch Manos can be traced to this machlokes as framed by the Chasam Sofer. Give yourself a pre-Purim treat yourself and download and listen to this wonderful shiur.
Thanks to Rabbi Zev Maybruch and the Vaad L'Chizuk HaTorah for sponsoring this shiur.
Rav Feldman traces many of the disagreements in Shaloch Manos to a Teshuva of the Chasam Sofer who discusses the essence of Shaloch Manos. Is it like the Terumas HaDeshen who holds that the purpose of Shaloch Manos is to help people make the Seudah of Purim. Or is it like the Manos HaLevi (R'Shlomo Alacabes) who holds that the purpose of Shaloch Manos is to bring people closer to each other and strengthen the bonds of friendship.
Rav Feldman masterfully shows how many differences in opinions on Shaloch Manos can be traced to this machlokes as framed by the Chasam Sofer. Give yourself a pre-Purim treat yourself and download and listen to this wonderful shiur.
Thanks to Rabbi Zev Maybruch and the Vaad L'Chizuk HaTorah for sponsoring this shiur.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Yeshivas Mordechai HaTzaddik - Learn with Your Sons on Purim Day
Yeshivas Mordechai HaTzaddik
Come Learn in the Shul with Your Children on
Purim Day – March 10th
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
All Boys eight and older will receive a prize
Come Learn in the Shul with Your Children on
Purim Day – March 10th
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
All Boys eight and older will receive a prize
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - Shulchan Aruch on Tzoa - mp3
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - Shulchan Aruch on Tzoa -mp3 part 1 here and part 2 here.
R' Eliezer Maybruch - on Sisfei Chaim on Taanis Esther - mp3
R' Eliezer Maybruch - on Sisfei Chaim on Taanis Esther - mp3 can be downloaded here
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Rabbi Welcher on the Halachos of Yichud - Part 3
Rabbi Welcher on the Halachos of Yichud - Part 3 can be downloaded here
Monday, February 23, 2009
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - Tzoa and Re-ach Raah - mp3
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - Tzoa and Re-ach Raah part 1 here and part 2 here.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Rabbi Welcher on the Halachos of Yichud - Part 2 - MP3
Rabbi Welcher on the Halachos of Yichud - Part 2 can be downloaded here
Sunday, February 15, 2009
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - Tzoa in Its Place While Davening - mp3
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - Tzoa in Its Place While Davening part 1 here and part 2 here.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Rabbi Welcher on the Halachos of Yichud - Part 1
Rabbi Welcher on the Halachos of Yichud - Part 1 can be downloaded here
Sunday, February 08, 2009
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - Interrupting During Davening - mp3
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - Interrupting During Davening and Other Mitzvos part 1 here and part 2 here.
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - Interrupting because of Onus part 1 here and part 2 here.
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - Interrupting because of Onus part 1 here and part 2 here.
R' Moshe Schwerd on Tu B/Shvat and the Sin of the Eitz Hadas - mp3
R' Moshe Schwerd on Tu B/Shvat and the Sin of the Eitz Hadas can be downloaded here
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - How Loud or Low Can You Daven Shomoneh Esrai - mp3
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - How Loud or Low Can You Daven Shomoneh Esrai part 1 here and part 2 here.
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - Physical Needs While Davening - mp3
R' Yechezkel Rosenberg - Physical Needs While Davening part 1 here and part 2 here.
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