Sunday, December 19, 2004

What is a Blog

Many (some, a few, ...) people want to know what is a blog, what is Blogger and what is Blogspot. Here are the short answers:

A blog (short for weblog) is a website that is organized in reverse chronological order, which means the newest post is posted at the top of the page. The main achievement of blogs, is that it made it much relatively easy for non-technical people to create an frequently updated website.

Blogger, is owned by Google, and provides the browser-based-software to update the blog.

Blogspot, is owned by Google, and is a place to host the blog for free. There are other free and for-pay sites to create and host blogs, but Blogger is the most popular one. There are over 5,000,000 blogs currently in existence, but many of them were created and subsequently abandoned.

We chose to start the Shul website as a blog with Blogger on Blogspot, because it was the fastest way to accomplish our initial officer's objective of getting up a frequently updated website. There are some limitations to a blog and if we see that people are interested in this endeavor we will spend the effort to create a more full featured site, with things like schedules and protected areas just for Shul members. Please keep your comments, suggestions and complements coming in so that we can adapt this project to meet the needs of as many Shul members as possible.

You can contact me at Mark.Frankel -at- if you have any information you think might be of interest or if you have any questions, comments or suggestions. (Note: I wrote the @ sign as -at- so that the Spam Harvesters would not pick up my email address.)