Congregation Ahavas Yisroel of Kew Gardens Hills
Focused on Torah, Tefillah, Gemilus Chasadim and Eretz Yisroel
Rabbi Herschel Welcher - Marah D’Asrah
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Siyum on Seder Kodashim
The Chevra Daf Yomi celebrated the completion of Seder Kodashim with a Siyum at Dougies on Monday night. Yasher Koach to Steven Weiss, Moishe Schwerd and Ruby Ginsburg for their hard work in preparing and giving the shiurim week in and week out. And Yasher Koach to all the participants who after years of learning Kodashim, managed to stay away from the Monday Night All-You-Can-Eat special. Yasher Koach to Chaim Ginsburg who made a siyum on Mishnayos Kodashim. Click here to see the pictures.