Special Events
L'Chaim Thursday January 6, 2005 at 8:00 PM at the home of the Welchers on the engagement of Chaim Eli.
Kiddush for Doni Kops' Bar Mitzvah after Davening
Mazel Tovs
Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Welcher on the engagement of Chaim Eli to Tammy Sklar of Los Angeles, daughter of Matis and Marla Sklar.
Mazel Tov to Uri and Esther Kops on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Doni.
Mazel Tov to Chevra Daf Yomi on Kodashim Siyum
Upcoming Shiurim
Rabbi Reisman Live Video at Nachlas Yitzchak on Sat Jan 8 at 8:00 PM
Rabbi Label Lam at Nachlas Yitzchak on Sat Jan 8 at 9:00 PM
Rabbi Haber on Tzaddik V'Ra Lo on Sun Jan 9 at 8:45 AM in the Shul
Rabbi Y Rosenberg - Chavrusa Program starts on Sun Jan 9 at 9:30 AM in the Shul
Rabbi Welcher on The Brocha of Modim on Tue Jan 11 at 8:00 PM in the Shul
Candle Lighting: 4:26 PM
Erev Shabbos Mincha: 4:35 PM
Hashkamah Minyan: 7:15 AM
Daf Yomi: 7:25 AM
Shacharis: 8:30 AM
Sof Zman Krias Shema: 9:41 AM
Rav's Shiur: 3:25 PM
Mincha followed by Shalosh Seudos: 4:15 PM
Motza'ei Shabbos Maariv: 5:36 PM