Sunday, April 17, 2005

Rabbi Moshe Gordon - Mp3s - On Inyanim Seder and Haggadah from Rishonim and Achronim

Rabbi Moshe Gordon from Ohr Yerushaliyim has made available two amazing series on Inyanim of the Seder and the Haggadah with a focus on Rishonim and Achronim that you can download here.

Seder Series
1 Kadesh and Arba Kosos
2 URchatz Karpas Yachatz.mp3
3 Hallel Rachtza Matza Heseiba.mp3
4 Maror Korech Shilchan Orech
5 Afikomen Barech end of Hallel Nirtza after Seder

Haggadah Series
1 Intro to Sippur Yetzias Mitzrayim
2 Ha Lachma Anya Akiras HaShulchan Intro to Ma Nishtana
3 Ma Nishtana
4 Avadim Hayeinu Arami Oved Avi
5 Arami Oved Avi 2
6 The 10 Makos End of Magid

Bonus Download
The Difficult Mitzvah of Feeling As If You Personally Left Mitzrayim